We decided that since we weren't with family on Easter, we'd travel. We stayed close by (2 hours) and went for an overnight to Nuremberg.
This was in front of the Handwerkerhof (Craftsmen's Courtyard). Nuremberg is home to some of the best of Germany's toys, glassworks, and goldsmiths. This medieval courtyard is filled with adorable shops.
In the courtyard.
The Easter decorations were adorable.
Nuremberg is a walled city. Here I am (and Nolan climbing) in front of one of the gigantic doors of an entrance.
Katie and her best little buddy eating gelato.
This cathedral is beautiful. We took a walk inside the next day after Easter mass.
This bridge was modeled after Venices' Rialto.
In front of the Ship of Fools (the ship is filled with characters from a 15th century satire).
This beautiful fountain is in the Marktplatz where the Christmas Market is held each year.
Local legend has it if you spin this gold ring three times, you will have good luck, so of course we all did.
After the market, we walked up to Kaiserburg, the imperial castle. The kids had a complete blast climbing on the rocks in front.
Walking up to the castle.
If the kids have gelato and things to climb on, we are all good.
A beautiful city.
We always manage to find a playground.
Day two, we found breakfast, strolled in the city, and came across this fountain. It is Ehekarusell Fountain. The scuplture is figures from the 20th century and it apparently represents the joys and sorrows of married life. We got a huge kick out of it and had to have a picture in front of what appears to be the wife dragging her husband to hell in the very end.
Our last stop before heading home was the Nazi Documentation Center which does a great job of explaining how things went very wrong here in the 40's.
This is where some of the biggest Nazi rallies took place.
The platform where Hitler once stood to address his people.
An old image of a rally.