Vienna turned out to be a good place to go for the Thanksgiving break. We didn't actually eat turkey on Thanksgiving, but we did see a lot of people from Turkey. The weather was cold on only one day, the rest of the days were very nice. The apartment we stayed in was excellent. It had a full kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, and breakfast was included. It was a very nice getaway!
Day one, with Viennacard in hand, we set out on public transportation.
Our first stop was the world's last remaining Spanish Riding School. We were just in time to get to see the morning practice. To the left of the chandelier is Billy, Nolan, and Katie. They set the routine to classical waltzes, and the horses and riders are just so perfect and precise.
Out in front of the school.
This street was originally the moat of the Roman military camp, and is now a pedestrian shopping zone.
This extravagant statue is called the Trinity Column.
A view of St. Stephen's cathedral.
We always have time for a playground.
A highlight of the trip for Bill, a visit to the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, a military museum.
Nolan working hard to sight in Arty
This is the car in which Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were shot in 1914. This was the spark that set off the Powder Keg of Europe and ultimately lead to WWI.
This is the actual uniform jacket the Archduke was wearing. You can even see the bullet hole where he was struck.
After the military museum, we went to the Prater amusement park. The park is famous for the Riesenrad, an enormous 220 ft. ferris wheel built in 1897.
Very few rides were open, but this one called to Bill and Billy. They were turned, flipped, and came off feeling not too well.
Later that night, Billy babysat and Bill and I went to the State Opera house. We missed seeing the opera (we were hoping to get standing room only tickets but we came a bit later then we planned), but walked around inside for a while and enjoyed the architecture.
Then on to the very beautiful Christkindlmarkt, which is so charming at night.
The punsch here in Vienna is a bit different from the gluhwein in Germany, and comes in a variety of flavors.
On our last day, we headed to Schonbrunn Palace which many claim is the only palace in Europe which rivals Versailles. It was stunning!
The castle was all dressed up for Christmas too!.
Complete with a Weinhachtsmarkt and of course we stopped for crepes-mit-nutela!
"Halt! Who goes there?"
And to the skating rink, a request of Billy's.
Katie's first time on skates.....she loved it, and not only because her skates were pink (which she could not stop talking about).
Nolan's first time too, and he also loved it.
Breakfast at our hotel.
Waiting for the train, to catch the plane. Auf Wiedersehen Vienna.