We went to Northern Italy for Spring Break in April. We stayed in Vicenza and toured around Venice, Padova, and many other local small towns! It was a super trip. We ate great food, drank lovely wine, played, and enjoyed nice weather. It was a super trip!
The drive up.....it was 65 degrees but snow on all of the Italian Alps.
And we kept driving by castles, they were everywhere!!!.
The first day, we went to venice. We stopped here at a spot where there was a church and we took some photos.
Hanging out.
Always time for a smooch.
St. Mark's Basilica...a truly remarkable sight!
In the Piazza by the old offices.
The city of love. Here we are, on one of the many beautiful bridges in Venice.
One of the lovely canals.
Nolan had fun jumping off the steps....Katie soon followed.
The masks from Canrival (the Italian version of Mardi Gras) were still everywhere.
Feeding the pigeons on St. Mark's square, one of the kids favorite activities!
Nolan, giving directions.
Rialto Bridge.
A sunny ride on the water taxi.
Day 2, on to the island of Murano, famous for glass.
Marostica, a small walled city near Venice.
A side of the wall in Marostica.
We ate gelato every single day, sometimes several times a day.
Nove, Italy.
A beautiful bridge in Bassano del Grappa.
Back at the agriturismo where we stayed, the kids liked to feed the animals. They even had a Ram there with her babies.
Day Three, Padova. This is the home of St. Anthony. This is a university town bustling with students, great architecture, good food, and the most amazing basilica I have ever seen, San Antonio Basilica.
The Basilica....no pictures inside.
More Gelato.
Day four, in Vicenza, Nolan outside the Teatro Olympico.
Teatro Olympico.
Inside the Teatro.
Playing in the park.
The drive home, just as beautiful.